Assessment of Transversal Skills 2020
The aim of the project is to propose a model for students’ learning that, through the national curriculums context, facilitates students to develop transversal skills necessary for the 21st century society. At the same time it aims to give teachers innovative tools to assess these skills. There is an urgency for education systems to explore new approaches and to design new activities that will equip learners with core transversal skills and competences to match the demand of a 21st century society.
The Assessment of Transversal Skills 2020 Project (ATS2020) will develop and test assessment approaches and practices across a range of real-life classrooms in 10 piloting countries working with 250 schools and involving 20,000 learners.
This experimentation will be carried out using reliable monitoring, evaluation and reporting procedures. The project consortium will design a robust evaluation framework aimed at “evaluating the potential impact of such an innovative approach by testing it through trials in the field” followed by both quantitative and qualitative methods and analysis. This stems from the need to transform our educational systems in order to accommodate, facilitate and develop 21st century learning, assessment, teaching and skills.
The project is supported under the Erasmus + Programme, Key Action 3 – Support for Policy Reform. It started on 1 March 2015 and will last till 28 February 2018. The Project Consortium consists of 17 institutions from 10 European countries.
More information about the project: and