Capacity building for the development and review of CARNET’s services connected with the Use of ICT
The project “Capacity Building for the Development and Review of CARNET services Connected with the Use of ICT in Education” began in June 2016 and continued to the end of May 2018. The project took place within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals.
Erasmus+ is an EU programme in the field of education, training, youth and sports for the 2014-2020 period, whose purpose is to support the efforts of the states participating in the programme at effectively exploiting the opportunities of European human and social capital, while simultaneously acknowledging the principle of lifelong learning through connecting the means of support to formal, non-formal and informal learning in the fields of education, training, youth and sports.
About the Project
The project goal was to strengthen the capacities of CARNET employees, who will use the project to build their competences by working on a number of topics concerning the improvement of teaching and learning processes with the help of ICT and exchange their former experiences at training sessions from the field of team and group consultation and development competences. Visits to partner organisations were organized for the purpose of familiarization with the methods of the development, evaluation, quality assurance and review of the service of user training and support with regard to the use of ICT and of the methods of providing technical support to the distance-learning system.
The project consisted of three phases: preparation, mobility activities realisation and knowledge exchange and information dissemination.
Cooperating institutions on the project, which organized the planned structured courses, are the In Dialogue Netherlands company, which specialises in the communication and organisational aspects of individual, team, organisation and community development, and the Teachers Training Center of Almada, an institution specialising in adult education and training for teachers in primary and secondary schools and principals. Apart from structured courses, the project also envisages visits to institutions (the Glasgow Clyde College and the Oxford Brooks University) for the purpose of exchanging experiences and acquiring new knowledge concerning the improvement of the distance-learning system.
Mobility Activities
Activities included in the project plan involve participation in two structured courses and two professional visits to organisations relevant for the project activity.
The structured courses were the following:
1. Consulting and development of teams and groups
2. ICT and free Web Tools in Education: Another way to Teach and to Learn
The following professional organizations were visited: