According to the Decision on the establishment and operation of the Support Centre for the State Information System of Education, CARNET has been mandated to carry out activities related to the computerisation and digitalisation of processes connected to educational policies.
Project Goal
The project develops new and enhances existing electronic services, registries, and records across the entire vertical of the education system, while also improving the competencies of staff and providing support to employees in the education system for the use of services that have been upgraded or newly developed.
Project Duration
The project implementation period starts on 1st September 2023 and runs until 1st September 2029.
Project Activities
Improvement and Development of Services and Registers
Upgrades are planned to enhance the user experience for system users across all modules and parts of the comprehensive software solution developed in the project “Computerisation of Processes and Establishment of Comprehensive Electronic Services for Enrolment in Educational Institutions” (e-Enrolments), as well as other upgrades.
The upgrades relate to systems/subsystems/modules including:
- e-Matica
- Enrolment and registration in early childhood and preschool education institutions
- Enrolment and registration in primary schools
- Enrolment and registration in secondary schools
- Enrolment and registration in student dormitories
- Reporting system
- National Information System for Adult Education
- User portal
- NISpVU 2
- GSB Integration
Furthermore, the project will develop an Application for Comparing Study Programmes and a Module for Recording School Curricula and Annual School Plans. All modules and systems covered by this project will be upgraded with functionalities necessary for compliance with any changes in laws and regulations, as well as functionalities based on the requirements and needs of key and end users of the system.
Development of Digital Record of Issued Certificates
Key activities include the creation of a digital record of issued final certificates for higher education, secondary education, and primary education, as well as other forms of education, including a software interface for institutions through which data will be entered into the record. Additionally, an interface for creating analyses and statistical reports based on the collected data will be developed.
Supporting Infrastructure
This includes the equipment and upgrading of CARNET’s data centres with hardware to accommodate applications, databases, and other necessary services of the information system. The system is planned to expand to a hybrid operating mode between infrastructure in data centres and in the public cloud, so that, during peak system loads, necessary capacities can be automatically engaged in the public cloud.
Security Testing of Applications and Infrastructure
This activity includes security testing of applications that will be developed and/or enhanced through this project, as well as security testing of the appropriate computer infrastructure for hosting applications, databases, and other required services.
User Education
In line with the enhancement of existing services, the development of new services, and additional activities planned within this operation, an evaluation and supplementation of user guides will be conducted to ensure they are aligned with the newly implemented functionalities and to facilitate user experience. Additionally, new guides will be created for parts of the system that will be developed through the project. CARNET, with its existing capabilities and knowledge, will, as a multidisciplinary team, prepare a proposal for the mandatory elements and guidelines for creating educational content based on existing materials and user feedback.
To guide users more efficiently and effectively through the developed/enhanced systems/subsystems/modules and functionalities, CARNET plans to conduct online training (webinars, e-courses), the recordings of which will be permanently available on CARNET’s existing portals. Training will be provided as needed (if it is found that new functionalities are particularly complex and/or a completely new module needs to be introduced to users).
User Support
User support will primarily be provided through CARNET’s helpdesk for all newly developed and improved services, registers, and records, with the goal of assisting end users in navigating the new functionalities and systems that are part of the project activities. Additionally, activities will be planned to provide quality support and enhance the user experience by informing users through various communication channels (such as email, SMS, etc.) and interactive parts of the interface (notification interfaces), as well as dynamic tracking of key activities (reports and forms regarding statuses at specific steps of the enrolment process).
This element will ensure that information related to the project is shared in a timely manner with both direct users and other stakeholders and the public (through the creation of a visual identity, continuous relationships with different bodies during the project’s duration, social media posts, and the creation of a communication strategy). This element includes activities aimed at raising awareness of the project’s activities and results, ensuring the visibility of the project’s implementation, promoting the project in partnership with key stakeholders, and disseminating the project’s results.
In addition to the aforementioned key activities of the project, CARNET will also carry out horizontal activities that include: preparing and monitoring the implementation of the project in line with relevant strategic documents and PULJP, effective and efficient project management, and preparing and implementing public procurement in compliance with the legal framework.
The user institution and project holder is the Croatian Academic and Research Network – CARNET, which is implementing the project in partnership and collaboration with relevant institutions:
Financiranje projekta