Pilot Projects
Pilot projects are intended to give incentive to using information technologies (IT). They study various possibilities of usage and provide concrete examples of applying IT in various fields of human activities. Their objective is to acquire new experiences and to present the academic community and the general public with the advantages of IT implementation, but also with the possible shortcomings and problems and to study the ways in which these could be solved. One of the issues that the started projects have to answer refers to whether information technology contributes to the improvement of the quality of work and living.
Pilot projects may be started by any member of the academic and research community, and this possibility exists also for various associations, schools, societies, that is, any interested party. The proposal for the project should be submitted to CARNET by filling in the project proposal form (the necessary documents are listed in the column on the right). Upon receiving the project proposal submission, CARNET considers the proposal over a period of two weeks and contacts the proposal submitter for further discussion, or sends the proposal for reviewing, which prolongs the procedure to about one month.
Completed Pilot Projects
- Biological Databases and GIS
- Church in Istria
- CroNeRaN (Croatian Networked Radio News)
- Educational Material on the Internet
- E-medica – Project of connecting Croatian medical schools through the use of IC technologies
- Data on Croatian elections
- Croatian Chemical Server CCS
- Humanoid
- Info Server of the Croatian Bishop’s Conference
- Info Server of the President’s Office
- Info Server of the Government of the Republic of Croatia
- Internet Centre for Teaching Chemistry
- Public Drafts
- Complete automation of Telescope NR 407 management at the Višnjan Observatory and its connection to CARNET
- A Short History of Croatia
- Linux in Small and Home Offices
- Liturgy in the semiotics
- Croatian Intensive Units Network
- MultiLet – Multimedia manual containing exercises in basics of theory of flight and aircraft operation
- Designing the system for assisting the disabled in getting around by using the Internet technology
- Educational multimedia presentation of diabetes
- Basics of human genetics
- Paediatria Croatica
- Parallel and distributed algorithms, systems and tools
- Portal for para- and tetraplegic persons
- Lectures, exercises and problems in Mathematics 1
- Prevention of accidents involving children
- Croatian Archive Service on the Internet
- Use of computers in realization of elementary school teaching process
- System-on-Chip Design
- Breast cancer
- Glossary of cytogenetic terms
- Data protection system in Internet transfer through the use of random numbers and CGI technology
- Sunčica on the Internet
- School Radio 5+ live on the Internet
- Textile Factory on the Internet
- Telemedicine in heart electrostimulation
- ThinkQuest
- Croatian Works of Art on the Internet
- Establishment of a Multimedia Laboratory at the Institute of Physics
- Virtual Medical School
- Protection, digitisation, and popularisation of the heritage of Silvije Strahimir Kranjčević stored at the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- Web-GIS
- Web Literature for Blind Students – Blindbooks
- Wireless Communities in CARNET network
- Safeguarding Homeland War Video Material
CARNET’s User Support Service
Phone: +385 1 6661 555
E-mail: helpdesk@carnet.hr