SCIENTIX (The community for science education in Europe) is the project that promotes and supports Europe-wide cooperation among teachers of science, math and technology (STEM).
The project is composed of three phases. During the first phase (2009 – 2012) an online portal was created for the purposes of collecting and presenting STEM related educational projects, a variety of workshops were organized all across Europe followed by the big SCIENTIX conference held in May 2011 in Brussels.
The aim of the second phase of the SCIENTIX project (2013 – 2015) was to expand it to a national level. Through the network of national contact points (NCP) SCIENTIX has expanded to a national community of teachers and contributed to the development of national strategies fostering research –based learning and other innovative educational approaches.
This activity continues in the third phase of the SCIENTIX project (2016 – 2019 which is funded by EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme) .
In October 2020, the fourth phase of the SCIENTIX project started and will last until December 2022. During this phase of the project, activities developed so far within the project will continue, with an emphasis on encouraging new initiatives in the STEM field as well as providing support to new projects in this field.
Originally SCIENTIX was an initiative of the European Commission and since its early days it has been coordinated by a Brussels- based consortium European Schoolnet bringing together 30 Education Boards.
CARNET’s activities in the SCIENTIX project:
- Conducting of workshops presenting various initiatives and methods for teachers in engaging students and getting them interested in science.
- Conducting focus groups as an inscentive for the stakeholders to think about the need for the comprehensive STEM strategy.
- Participating in the organization of the Science Picnic.
- Dissemination of activities via different communication channels (CARNET network, School Portal, Facebook, Twitter).
More details about the project can be found at the official webpages of the project.
Contact Details
Hrvatska akademska i istraživačka mreža - CARNET
Josipa Marohnića 5
10000 Zagreb
Important links
Facebook: Science Teachers in Europe
Facebook: Scientix Croatia

SCIENTIX je financiran u sklopu programa Europske unije za istraživanje i inovacije Obzor 2020.