The second phase of the GÉANT4 pan-European infrastructure project, which will last for 32 months, until 31 December 2018, began on the first day of May. The GÉANT4 is carried out within the FPA (Framework Partnership Agreement), which covers a period of 7 years, and is financed as part of the Horizon2020 programme, a European Union Framework Programme for Research, Development and Innovation (2014-2020). Croatia’s representative in the project is the Croatian Academic and Research Network – CARNet.
The GN4 SGA2 (Special Grant Agreement) will help raise European research to a higher level, by encouraging scientific excellence and access to, as well as reuse of, research data and by supporting open science. It will also stimulate scientific infrastructure cost reduction by promoting the interoperability of e-infrastructures at the European level.
The GÉANT project grew through its iterations (GN2, GN3, GN3plus, GN4-1) and today contains, in addition to the award-winning 500 Gbps physical network, a portfolio of advanced, user-oriented services which shift the boundaries of network technologies. The GÉANT network is an advanced pan-European academic and research network (a Multi-gigabit PanEuropean Research and Education Network), which ensures, using its own optical infrastructure, the interconnection of European academic and research networks with capacities of up to 500Gbit/s and the connection of Europe to other continents. The GÉANT network currently connects more than 50 million users throughout Europe.
CARNet’s partner in the project, in the capacity of the Third Party, is the University of Zagreb Computing Centre, as a multiannual partner of CARNet in GÉANT projects. CARNet continues to actively contribute to the new generation of the project and will continue its active participation in the development of the advanced pan-European research network through a large number of employees participating in the project.
A lot of confidence was placed in CARNet representatives, who will also be task and activity leaders. Ivana Golub will thus be deputy activity leader for the SA2 activity and task leader for the SA2 T3 task, whereas Branko Radojević from CARNet will be the task leader for the JRA4 T1 task.
More information is available on the official website of the GÉANT project.